Sunday 18 November 2012

Jubilee footbridge planned in honour of pageant launch

The proposed footbridge
ENGLAND Royal architecture view: pic courtesy BBC-ENGLAND
infustructure reporter(weastar times/bbc/):::Architect Chris Medland said it was fitting to name it after the Queen's 60th year on the throne as it is where she boarded her launch for the start of the Diamond Jubilee river pageant.
The Golden Jubilee Bridges were the last footbridges built in the city.
The £22m bridge will take cyclists and pedestrians between Chelsea Harbour and Lombard Road, Battersea.
It will sit beside the listed railway bridge which dates back to the 1850s.
Mr Medland, who lives on the south side of the Thames in Battersea, said: "The area has changed completely in the last 10 years.
"The riverfront from Battersea Park feels Parisian and is becoming much more popular with pedestrians and cyclists."
If planning permission is granted by both Hammersmith and Fulham Council and Wandsworth Council, Mr Medland said he hopes the arched bridge could be completed by spring 2014.
The Golden Jubilee Bridges either side of the Hungerford Bridge, span the Thames between Charing Cross and the Southbank and were opened in 2002.
Mr Medland added that he hoped a sponsor would buy the naming rights for the bridge to help fund the construction of the crossing.

100% of ENGLISH would vote to quit woorthless EU in referendum, if poll happen

Special National Report(weastar times/WP)::: All of ENGLISH  voters now want to leave the so called woorthless European Union!!!!!!!!!!, according to an opinion poll that shows anti-EU sentiment is sweeping through all three main political parties.The Times/The Guardian/The Weastar Times/BBC/The Opinium/Observer survey finds that 99% of people would  definitely vote for the ENGLAND  to go it unnecessery EU  if they were offered the choice in a referendum and it must. About 100% of Conservative voters want to leave the EU, 99% of Liberal Democrats would probably or definitely vote to get out, labour as well....ENGLAND are not intrest to give loan woorthless french , german, Italy  lead EU anymore and its headach for ENGLISH people unnecessery loan giving..
where as ENGLAND can do NATIONAL infustructure work for that money and can use given very high salary for ENGLISH EMPLOYEE.The findings will make sobering reading for all three major parties, 

World Topest Royal country ENGLAND top in every,technology,arts,culture,gentle family oriented society ,education,law&justice foloowed by why should require to join poor European Union? for giving loan from ENGLISH Royal or public pund?why not super infustructure development not happen?
aid taker USA,EU,japan,Australia do by loan.bun donner or loan giver and thier country is not super structuerd why?who dont do this.ENGLND All money goes to  develope only ENGLAND.
not require so called EU or UN..

does ENGLISH politician dont have that much thinking capability?politician your people give support you to develope more,more ,more and only develope ENGLAND and its people.not to others.
kick of so called hepocrate politician,white hall staffs,civil servent who dont do work properly or make indirect crime connecting to outsider country.
ENGLAND does not require hedach..remember 1st world war,2nd world war...who did this why?whome benifite.who gona benifited.

if ENGLAND leave EU 99% National crime reduce which crime transit from EU&turkey through ireland,france,scotland and welse border.

just do it and get result.

French and their asscoiate kill 3 ENGLISH traveller.:::judgement still not done!!!!

crime/travel/border reporter(weastar times/WP)::: three ENGLISH traveller killed in unsafe country france..judgment still not done ..this is not one  case more then thousend case is like this..

most of people in french is refugee from middle east,world dirty criminal black african and carabieen ,indian sub continent paki,indian-china ,proste country thailand ,burma,japan, tribal places in osania...

France is completely unsafe places for travelling...becuase of refugee crising from more then 82 years ....same  in US.

lots of ENGLISH traveller kill in france and rest of europe by illegel mixed french and mentioned refugees.
ENGLISH traveller should avoid that so called country russia,albania,turkey,france,US,crime mafia labour country italy,germany,so called italian vatican,until all ENGLISH killing including Princess Diana .