Thursday 18 April 2013



Countrywide new infustructure &develoment onprocess in all educational level specially higher education sector which should under higher education development policy 2012 part1 under LORDS executive committee bill in last yr.

currently in part 2 on higher education reform policy(new and old) for new higher educational institute to old higher educational institute.

each and every county build specialized university in most important   sector as most important true person who have real contribution for country with strong analytical University  for engineering,medicine,sports,children,education,land resource,water resource,security,business,accounting,finance,computing,robotics,science&technology,arts,fashion. besides this all old famous institute(polytechnic,vocational,health,sports,education,music,fasion etc) autometically  formed as university
which can run it self own resources independently with unlimied fund including   all research institute.

thouse old institute reform as fill independent university as follows:

Kings College reform as KING,LORD,SIR,PHILIP University, imperial college rform as QUEEN,LORD,SIR,ELIZABETH2 University for medicine&health sciences.

bbc(Ebc) college for journalism name as Asst.King prince.david University for journalism.,London business school reform as Asst.King,prince charles university for business.
London school of economics&political sciences(LSE)  reform as KING,LORD,SIR,PHILIP university for economic,bankng&policy.

new university name and build as KING,LORD,SIR,PHILIP university for music,LORD,SIR,prince elbert university for creative education.
prince edward university for sports,prince edward university for accounting&business.

QUEEN,LORD,SIR,ELIZABETH2 women University for gender equality,London,princess elicia university for children  
princess paula university for women&gender equlity,oxford.princess diana university for women&gender equility,barkshire

THE ROYAL ENGLAND university for computing,THE ROYAL ENGLAND university for robotics,THE ROYAL ENGLAND university for aviation&air management 

THE ROYAL ENGLAND university for automobile ,THE ROYAL ENGLAND university for petrolium&natural resources,
THE ROYAL ENGLAND university for land management,
THE ROYAL ENGLAND university for marine,water management ,THE ROYAL ENGLAND university for ,THE ROYAL ENGLAND university for arts
THE ROYAL ENGLAND university for creative  film,media

THE ROYAL ENGLAND university for animal&vatenery.THE ROYAL ENGLAND university for agriculture.THE ROYAL ENGLAND university for sports&physical health.
scientist sir,issec newton university for physical science. scientist,stephen hawkings university for computaional mathmatics.
all other quality assurence authurity such as higher education funding council(this yr 4.3 billion pounds!!! allocation which is very very poor alocation looks require 0.1%..extend it 9288000000000 trillion pounds minimum each six month), for THE ROYAL ENGLAND  and so on must independent and too high funding as much and must corruption free.
this law effect june 10 this yr without further notice .related fund or other extention auto work if require.

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