Wednesday 5 June 2013

Investigative Report....Natural disester,Global warming,Green house effect its causep,safety&protections

one... now a days we widely heard some danger word which destroyed our very peace full cold world beame volcanic hit caleed global warming,torneddo,harican,cyclone which call natural desaster ,green house effect which called inbalance natural resource destrouction and air poluational effect ,danger earthquake. why it cause?how can we protect it and save our earth? answer is not so difficult. how? find out it which area,what type of people or country vastly effected.find out answer easily. two. weastar times and discovery,national geographic channel,religion crime investigation,pre historical country or people working and living activities resources chk find out a soluation that where most of dirty bad people stay and do such kind of activities which not done by animal thats places country vastly effected in mentioned main 4danger problem which effect some good area good people as well. Three. thouse area and so called people or less then animal country or area dangerly effected are slevery india and its surrounds.slevery most africa and slevery carrabien.slevelry arab and surrounds.almost slevery tribal areas some european servential spain.slevery vatican.slevery italy.slevery east europe slevery poland.spainsh portugess refugee oriented slevery most south america.slevery volcanic tibet and slevery china.slevery thai.slevery burma.slevery indonesia.slevery philipines.slevery surrounds australias papua new ginie slevery fizi .servential france.servential scotland.servential ireland.servential welshe such this kind of location are remarkable danger for earth safety. Four. such mentioned country or places so called slevery and servential people are doing danger odd works which not done even small animal. such dirty activities are widely pornography even father sex daughter.son fuck his mother.drugs magic practice for killing people.murdering.robering.thiefing.danger lesbiaactivities result make hijra which is not human not animal.smugling.religion hepocracy under show that doing pornography.drugs business...dirty judgment by people and such this kind of. if u find previous pre historical some places where full country or most places destroied example hellens troy village.asian sunami quake. tornado.harican.cyclone.typhone and so on. Five. how can we protect it¿how can we save our earth¿we have only one option to save our earth that is clean up such mentioned people so called oor country where not a single person is good. we dont have another choice...such mentioned dirty less then animal show mars or other planet where they want to go but thing is that that is fake eye wash of people which is l volcano are active mention area or c country waiting for make new history pumpey city as was mad danger history. _volcanic +cold ice where earth was and some countries still have like entertics. good people and gentel animal should think right now worst vanish or earth vanish? written by engr.tto(LORD Simon) writter...founder &chief editor of weastar timesTHE ROYAL ENGLAND online newspaper.

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